Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Thursday 30th. January 2014.
Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).
Councillors T. Beastall, L.Bills, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.
District Councillor N. Hawkins.
Helen Anderson from Churnet Valley Living Landscape Project.
Two members of the public.
In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.
66/13. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor R. P. A. Lovell,
67/13. Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
68/13. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Bills for, again, opening up the meeting room and also Councillor Taylor for attending the last meeting of Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly which he himself could not attend.
69/13. Public Comments.
District Councillor Hawkins gave the meeting further details of the arrangements for the second phase of the Core Strategy which was going ahead. She was not sure of any sites in Longsdon yet but would keep the Council informed.
The Staffs. Moorlands Council’s new website was having problems with public access to planning services.
She also reported that there could be £250 – 00 available from her allowances to finance a new ramp at the Memorial Hall and possibly to assist with the provision of a defibrillator for the community.
She also said that she would enquire about the promised litter bin on the lay-by at Endon.
A member of the public asked the Council about any information on the missing post box at the junction of Leek Road and Sutherland Road. He was advised that the Council had reported the matter but, as yet, had received no reply. He was given all the information which he said he would use to make personal contact.
It was also reported that a bench seat had been removed from the towpath on the top canal. This to be investigated and discussed at the next meeting.
70/13. Presentation on the Churnet Valley Living Landscape Project.
Helen Anderson from the project addressed the meeting. She gave details of the Community Involvement Role and partnerships with the Churnet Valley Railway, the Canal & Rivers Trust and the R.S.P.B.
A lottery grant had been obtained which would help give grant aid to any worthy projects. Grants of £3,000 or 50% of the cost could be available to Parish Councils, schools community groups etc. She suggested that a replacement seat for the towpath could be a suitable project. A grants panel, made up of community people, would determine any grants.
There was a mid Churnet Youth Group which carried out work on projects at no cost for their labour. Some work could be of interest to local people and she would like to see more local involvement. There was also a grassland officer to help maintain wildflowers etc and there was also woodland management.
The Chairman thanked her for her attendance and for the valuable information.
71/13. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 5th. December 2013 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.
72/13. Matters Arising.
Nothing further had been heard from Royal Mail about the missing post box but it appeared that it was awaiting the arrest of individual miscreants before missing post boxes in the area would be replaced.
The British Heart Foundation had been contacted about the provision of a defibrillator machine which could be sited in the parish. It was agreed that this could sited outside the Memorial Hall with its permission. It was agreed to obtain the necessary application form from the Heart Foundation and start the process.
Councillor Lovell had sent a report that he had contacted Staffs. County Council regarding a Concealed Driveway sign on the A53 near to the old New Inn. That Council had promised to carry out the necessary survey on the matter.
It was reported that:
payment had been received for the invoice for Staffs. County Council’s lengthsman scheme.
the cheque for £105 – 00 had been sent to the Longsdon Memorial Hall.
the various items of defects reported at the last meeting had been reported to the appropriate authorities.
invoice for the Staffs. Moorlands District Council’s lengthsman scheme had been sent in.
73/13. Correspondence.
Letter had been received from Karen Bradley M.P. inviting the Clerk and Councillors on a trip to London with a private tour of Westminster on 13th. February 2014. Details had been circulated to Councillors and the Clerk and Councillor Lovell had taken up the offer.
Information received under this item was:
invitation to advertise events on Staffs. Community Council’s calendar – passed to the Memorial Hall.
Clerks & Councils Direct – Jan. 2014 issue.
74/13. Finance Matters.
The balance in the Council’s Two Year Fixed Rate Bond had been re-invested in a new One Year Fixed Rate bond as was agreed.
Letter had been received from the Council’s insurers enclosing a revised policy schedule for the insurance policy. An examination had concluded that there were no major changes.
An up to date statement of account was distributed to all Councillors present.
Estimates / Precept for the year 2014 / 2015.
The Clerk produced (1) Actual Figures for the year 2012/13, (2) Estimated Expenditure and end of year balance for the Year 2013/14 and (3) Estimated Income & Expenditure for the Year 2014/15.
After studying the figures produced it was agreed that the Clerk’s salary be increased by £50 – 00 per year.
Figures received from Staffs. Moorlands District Council were perused and it was agreed that the Band D charge be kept the same as the last financial year which would see an increase in the precept received of approx. £17 – 45.
75/13. Planning Matters.
There was no business under this item.
76/13. Orders for Payment.
It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-
Recipient | Amount | Reason |
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. | £25.00 | Room Hire. |
A. Bridgwood. | £210.38 | Agency Work. |
Proctor’s Nursery. | £192.92 | Replanting Village Tubs. |
John Bourne. | £279.52 | Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (nett.) |
H. M. Revenue & Customs. | £55.00 | P. A. Y. E. |
77/13. Public Comments.
There was no business under this item.
78/13. Any Other Business.
Information was given on a Warm Home Discount available from the Beat the Cold organisation.
A report was given of untidy debris left after new electricity poles were installed in Leek Old Road. It was agreed to monitor this as the work has only just been completed.
There was a report that the flower tub at the junction of Leek Old Road and Leek Road had been damaged by a motor accident. It was agreed to check the condition but it could possibly last for another year.
Councillor Bills gave details of her involvement with the Longsdon Village Hall Management Committee together with her role as representative of the Parish Council. Councillors Lovell and Taylor offered to stand in for her should there be a conflict of interests.
It was intimated that building work could start on the old New Inn site.
79/13. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7-30p.m. on Thursday 13th. March 2014 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.