Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Thursday 13th. March 2014.
Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).
Councillors T. Beastall, L.Bills, R. P. A. Lovell, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.
Three members of the public.
In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.
80/13. Apologies for Absence.
There were no apologies for absence received.
81/13. Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
82/13. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Bills for, again, opening up the meeting room.
He reported that the Memorial Hall had received a grant from District Councillor Hawkins through Staffs. Moorlands District Councillors allowances and thanked Councillor Bills for her work in that respect.
He reported that the bus shelter in Leek Road, near to School Lane, had been blown from its foundations in the recent severe gale force winds. It was pointed out that an adjacent land owner had righted the shelter and it was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to him. The Chairman also thanked the Clerk for his work in securing the shelter to its foundations.
83/13. Public Comments.
A resident of Dunwood Lane addressed the Council with his objections to the planning application for change of use of Dunwood Hall to mixed use and event venue and car park. The points which he raised were possible excessive noise to nineteen neighbours within 300 metres from the rear of the hall, additional traffic turning from the A53 main road, and an antiquated waste disposal system which may not cope with the extra people visiting the site.
Two other neighbouring residents pointed out that insufficient notice of the planning application had been given due to possible faults with the District Council’s new computer system and also reiterated the previous comments of noise and quality of life of near neighbours.
The Chairman pointed out that the application would be discussed by Councillors later in the meeting.
84/13. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 30th. January 2014 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.
85/13. Matters Arising.
A discussion took place on replacing a bench seat that had been removed from the towpath on the top canal. Various catalogues were perused to give a general idea of types of benches. It was agreed to contact the Canals & Rivers Trust to inquire whether it provided wooden seats and the procedure for fixing etc.
No reply had been received from Royal Mail about the missing post box, It was agreed to forward a further letter.
Further information had been received regarding the provision of a defibrillator machine which could be sited in the parish. There appeared to be no objection to one being sited outside the Memorial Hall. It was agreed to complete the necessary British Heart Foundation forms which had been obtained. It was noted that volunteers would need to be trained in the use of the defibrillator.
Councillor Lovell reported that he had received a reply from Staffs. County Council regarding a Concealed Driveway sign on the A53 near to the old New Inn. That Council could not supply the necessary sign but one could be sited on private land. Councillor Lovell volunteered to make further enquiries and the matter to be discussed at the next meeting.
It was reported that:
invoice for the Staffs. Moorlands District Council’s lengthsman scheme had been paid.
the trip to Westminster under the auspices of Karen Bradley MP had been very good.
the untidy debris in Leek Old Road after electricity work at been tidied up.
St. Chad’s Church could receive a £400 – 00 grant from Churnet Valley L. L. Project.
86/13. Correspondence.
An appeal had been received from Werrington Young Persons Support Group for a donation towards funding Christmas gifts or toys for disadvantaged children in the Staffs. Moorlands. It was agreed to forward a donation of £25 – 00.
Information received under this item was:
notice of Dementia Friends Session on Saturday 15th. March 2015 from Karen Bradley M.P.
Good Neighbour Schemes – Staffordshire from Community Council of Staffs.
invitation to join the Community Council of Staffs. – no action.
Planning Guidance from Peak District National Park Authority.
87/13. Finance Matters.
Request for the parish precept had been sent in.
A request for permission to quote for the Council’s insurance had been received from Zurich Insurance, the Council’s previous insurers. It was agreed to request a quotation.
88/13. Planning Matters.
The following planning application was considered and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines to:
SMD/2014/0096 Extensions & Alterations to Dwelling at Byways, Denford Road, Longsdon.
With regard to Planning Application No.SMD/2014/0073 Proposed Change of Use from Residential to Mixed Use of Residential and Event Venue & Car Park at Dunwood Hall, Leek Road, Longsdon it was agreed to OBJECT to this proposal on the following grounds:
The development is in the Green Belt and an area of Outstanding Landscape Value.
Increased, and possible queuing, traffic from the A53 onto the site.
Increased noise causing disturbance to neighbouring properties due to music, car movements and car doors, and possible anti-social behaviour.
The site is not an appropriate place for this activity.
The car park is not adequately screened from the A53.
The Council would also point out that the application does not address the issue of sewerage disposal which is at present understood to be an old Victorian system.
These comments are in line with the Council’s comments on a similar previous application.
A complaint was also received by the Council that neighbouring properties had not been properly informed about the application and no notices had been displayed on the site and neighbours were consequently not aware of the application. This matter to be passed to the Planning Department.
89/13. Orders for Payment.
It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-
Recipient | Amount | Reason |
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. | £25.00 | Room Hire. |
A. Bridgwood. | £148.75 | Agency Work. |
Werrington Young Persons Support Group. | £25.00 | Grant. |
90/13. Public Comments.
There was no business under this item.
91/13. Any Other Business.
The lengthsman had requested permission to cut down a damaged tree on the Common Land. This was agreed.
Further questions were asked about the lack of action to trim trees in Leek Old Road. It was agreed to write again to Staffs. Moorlands Tree Officer. Councillor Bills offered to contact Staffs. County Council on the matter.
A new complaint had been received about the continuing use of an outbuilding at The Brampton as a dwelling. It was agreed to contact Staffs. Moorlands Council’s Enforcement Dept. for an update on the matter.
Two blocked road gullies near to Bridge No 4. in Denford Road were reported. This matter to be reported to Staffs. County Council Highways Dept.
92/13. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7-30p.m. on Thursday 1st. May 2014 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.