Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Thursday 1st. May 2014.
Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).
Councillors T. Beastall, L.Bills, R. P. A. Lovell, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.
One member of the public.
In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.
1/14. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received from District Councillor N. Hawkins.
2/14. Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
3/14. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Bills for, again, opening up the meeting room.
He reported that he would be attending a special meeting of the Moorlands Parish Assembly on 8th. May 2014 to discuss the Core Strategy. There would be a local meeting later for Councillors to be involved. It was felt that affordable housing was important.
4/14. Public Comments.
A local resident reported on the continuing use of an outbuilding at The Brampton as a dwelling. The matter had been reported to Staffs. Moorlands Council’s Enforcement Dept. but no action had been taken.
She reported that there were problems with BBQ smoke etc which was enveloping her property. This had been reported to the owner of the property but no action had been taken. She reported on her discussions with Staffs. Moorlands Council and gave the Parish Council a copy of her letter to the Enforcement Dept. and the Chief Executive. The Chairman advised that the Moorlands Council Environmental Health Dept. could become involved with the problem of the smoke.
It was reported that, after consultation with the Chairman, a further e.mail had been sent from the Parish Council to the Enforcement Dept. but this had also not yet achieved a result.
5/14. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 13th. March 2014 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.
6/14. Matters Arising.
Letter had been sent to the Canals & Rivers Trust to enquire whether it provided wooden seats and the procedure for fixing etc. on the canal towpath. A telephoned reply had promised further information but this has not been forthcoming. Further enquiries would be made.
Further letter had been sent to Royal Mail regarding the missing post box but no reply had again been received. An address in Birmingham had now been obtained and a letter would be sent to that address.
The necessary forms for the defibrillator machine had been forwarded to the Ambulance Service and further developments were awaited.
It was reported that the Memorial Hall had received a grant and this could be used on a joint project with the Parish Council to fund the machine. Permission had also been obtained to site it at the Memorial Hall.
Councillor Lovell gave further information regarding a Concealed Driveway sign on the A53 near to the old New Inn. He reported that there would be no objections from the Police. A further assessment would be made after a speed camera van had been in operation under the Safety Partnership Scheme.
The cheque for £25 – 00 had been forwarded to the Werrington Young Persons Support Group and a letter of thanks in reply had been received.
A letter had been sent to Staffs. Moorlands Tree Officer about the lack of action to trim trees in Leek Old Road. Councillor Bills reported on a site meeting which had taken place between herself, Councillor Beastall and a representative from Staffs. County Council. There had been a delay in dealing with the matter but work on the trees would take place soon.
It was reported that:
letter of thanks had been sent to the landowner for righting the upturned bus shelter.
the blocked road gullies in Denford Road had been reported to Staffs County Council.
the final invoices for the Staffs. C.C. & S.M.D.C. lengthsman scheme had been forwarded and payment received.
7/14. Correspondence.
A free Parish Council Pack had been received from Western Power Distribution. This contained suggested items to help consumers during power cuts. It was agreed to advertise the pack on the notice boards for suggestions of a worthy recipient in the parish.
County Councillor G. Heath had sent a request for a list of works which could be forwarded to the local Highways Team which would be visiting the parish in June. The formulated list included: - overgrowth of the pavement on the Church side of the A53 between School Lane and the old New Inn; missing reflector posts in Honeysuckle Lane; cleaning of road signs on the A53 and vegetation left on the verge of the A53 left after tree felling.
Information received under this item was:
NHS111 National Pilot Scheme – “Call before you go”: Stakeholder Briefing.
Community Paths Initiative – Bids for 2014 / 2015.
notice of Adoption of Core Strategy, Churnet Valley Masterplan etc.
notice of consultation on Draft Statement of Community Involvement.
invoice for membership of Staffs. Parish Councils’ Association – no action.
Clerks & Councils Direct – March 14 and May 14 issues.
8/14. Planning Matters.
Councillor Lovell gave a report on a meeting which he had attended this day at Staffs. Moorlands District Council regarding the Planning Application for Proposed Change of Use from Residential to Mixed Use of Residential and Event Venue & Car Park at Dunwood Hall, Leek Road, Longsdon. After a site visit by District Councillors and hearing representations from members of the public etc. the application was approved for a period of eighteen months with various conditions including only allowed events on 28days per year.
9/14. Finance Matters.
A quotation for the Council’s insurance had been received from Zurich Insurance. This was compared with the renewal premium from AON the Council’s current insurers. It was agreed to accept the renewal premium from AON, in the sum of £329 – 69, being the lesser of the two.
An end of year account sheet was presented to Councillors.
The Annual Return had been received from the auditors Grant Thornton.
All the account information had been prepared and it was agreed to employ the same internal auditor as last year.
10/14. Orders for Payment.
It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-
Recipient | Amount | Reason |
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. | £25.00 | Room Hire. |
A. Bridgwood. | £102.00 | Agency Work. |
John Bourne. | £270.51 | Clerk’s Salary & expenses (Nett.). |
H. M. Revenue & Customs. | £55.00 | P.A.Y.E. |
AON Insurance. | £329.69 | Insurance Premium. |
11/14. Public Comments.
There was no business under this item.
12/14. Any Other Business.
It was agreed to instruct Proctors Nursery to plant the village tubs.
A complaint was received regarding the front car park at St. Chad’s Church for which planning permission was refused but now appeared to be in use. It was agreed to approach the Church on the matter.
13/14. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7-30p.m. on Thursday 19th. June 2014 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.