Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Thursday 7th. August 2014.
Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).
Councillors T. Beastall, L. Bills, R. P. A. Lovell, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.
Two Members of the Public.
In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.
27/14. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received from District Councillor N. Hawkins.
28/14. Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
29/14. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Bills for opening the meeting room and Councillor Taylor for accompanying him to the last meeting of the Moorlands Parish Assembly. He distributed minutes from that meeting.
30/14. Public Comments.
A member of the public raised the issue of speeding vehicles in Sutherland Road. He intimated that he would be interested in joining a Community Speed Watch Team if one was to be set up. He was informed that the subject of speeding vehicles would be discussed later in the meeting.
The other member of the public asked about planning permissions being obtained within the “triangle” of the village. He was informed about the process of the Core Strategy system which was in operation, with public participation taking place possibly in October 2014.
31/14. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 19th. June 2014 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.
32/14. Matters Arising.
A further request had been sent to the Canals & Rivers Trust regarding a quotation for the fixing of the Council’s own wooden bench seat on the canal towpath. A reply had been received stating that the cost of fixing only would be £485 – 00 + V.A.T. This together with the cost of the bench would make a total sum of £853 – 00 excl. V.A.T. It was agreed to go ahead with the project but first to apply for a grant which could be available from the Churnet Valley Living Landscape Project.
An e.mail had been received from Royal Mail in Birmingham stating that the missing post box at Sutherland Road would not be replaced due to the proximity of other post boxes in the area. However, a member of the public had forwarded a letter which they had received from Royal Mail in London stating that the post box would be replaced. The Clerk also reported on a meeting with a Royal Mail representative on the same subject in a nearby parish where Longsdon’s missing box was mentioned. He had intimated that the situation could be reconsidered. It was agreed to write again to request a replacement box.
Information had been received from British Heart Foundation regarding the defibrillator machine. An organisation at Biddulph had arranged a dance from which proceeds would be made towards Longsdon defibrillator. The Chairman had been in contact with the group to thank them for their efforts. Since then a request had been received for the Parish Council’s contribution of £400 – 00. It was agreed that this be forwarded to the Heart Foundation.
Letter had been sent to the Police asking for a speed camera van to be used on the A53 under the Safety Partnership Scheme. In view of the public comment earlier, it was agreed to write to ask for details regarding the setting up of a Community Speed Watch programme. The member of the public who raised the matter was asked to ask around his neighbours for any volunteers to take part in such a scheme.
The trees in Leek Old Road had been trimmed and the electrical works in the area had been completed. It was agreed to write a letter of thanks to the Staffs. County Council representative and also to Western Power Distribution.
It was reported that:
the blocked road gullies in Denford Road had been dealt with.
the free Parish Council Pack from Western Power had been given to an elderly resident in School Lane.
the village tubs had been re-planted by Proctor’s Nursery.
the contra cheque for £71 – 36 had been forwarded to Longsdon Memeorial Hall.
the grant of £450 – 00 had been forwarded to the P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church.
the quarterly invoice for the lengthsman scheme had been forwarded to Staffs. County Council.
33/14. Correspondence.
A letter had been received from a parishioner regarding the notices appearing on memorials in St. Chad’s churchyard asking for artificial flowers to be removed. This to be passed to the Parochial Church Council.
Information received under this item was:
Notice of Libraries Consultation from Staffordshire County Council.
Staffordshire County Council’s investment into Supporting People Programme.
People Power Fund from the office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Staffordshire.
34/14. Finance Matters.
The Annual Return had been forwarded to the External Auditor and an acknowledgement had been received.
An up to date statement of the Council’s accounts was distributed to Councillors.
35/14. Planning Matters.
The following planning applications were considered it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines to:
SMD/2014/0415 Proposed Demolition of Existing Attached Garage, Car Port, Log Store and Prefabricated Concrete Detached Garage to allow the Formation of an Extension to Accommodate a Large Garage / Utility Room at Ground Floor and Additional Bedroom at First Floor at Byways, Denford Road, Longsdon.
SMD/2014/0447 Siting of Two Polytunnels and a Glasshouse at Proctor’s Nursery, Leek Road, Endon.
Letter had been sent to Staffs. Moorlands Council outlining the Parish Council’s views on the number of houses proposed for the village and also objecting to the overdevelopment of the site which the Moorlands had earmarked for development. A reply had been received giving information on this and more sites but as this information was to be treated as confidential at this stage, it was agreed to discuss the matter as a confidential item at the end of the meeting to the exclusion of the public.
A report was given on the current situation with the alleged breach of planning conditions at a property in Sutherland Road. Thanks had been forwarded from the adjacent complainants for the Council’s assistance in the matter.
36/14. Orders for Payment.
It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-
Recipient | Amount | Reason |
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. | £25.00 | Room Hire. |
A. Bridgwood. | £216.75 | Agency Work. |
John Bourne. | £313.17 | Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (nett). |
H. M. Revenue & Customs. | £57.40 | P.A.Y.E. |
British Heart Foundation. | £400.00 | Contribution to the Supply of a Defibrillator. |
37/14. Public Comments.
There was no business under this item.
38/14. Any Other Business.
Councillor Taylor distributed leaflets on Fire & Home Safety which was the subject of a presentation at the last Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly.
He also reported on the A. G. M. of Longsdon Memorial Hall where mention was made of possible training sessions into the use of the proposed defibrillator.
It was reported that there had been several near misses on the pedestrian crossing on the A53 at the Sutherland Road junction. Mention had been made of an upgrading of the crossing some time ago but this had not taken place. It was agreed to write to the County Council, with a copy to County Councillor Gill Heath to ask for an investigation into the problem and a possible upgrade.
It was reported that a 30m.p.h. sign was lying in the grass verge in Denford Road. This to be reported to Staffs. County Council. Mention was also made of a number of road signs which required cleaning and this to be reported to the lengthsman for his attention.
A report was given of numerous rats seen in the vicinity of the old New Inn site. The Staffs. Moorlands District Council’s officer had visited the site and set traps nearby but could not gain access to the private premises. It was agreed to write to the owners of the site to report the Council’s concerns.
39/14. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7-30p.m. on Thursday 2nd. October 2014 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.
40/14. Confidential Business. (to the exclusion of the public).
Further information had been received from Staffs. Moorlands District Council after the Parish Council’s request for more informative plans of the village. Further sites were shown but these were classified as Class C – Undeliverable Sites, leaving the one remaining site which the Council had objected to. However further sites were coloured which had no classification whatever.