Chairman: J. Sargeant, Vice Chairman: R. Lovell. Clerk to the Council: J. Bourne.

6th August 2022.


You are hereby informed that a Meeting of the Council will be held in the Upstairs Room of The Wheel Public House on Thursday 11th August 2022 at 7-00p.m.


1 Apologies for Absence.

2 Declarations of Interest.

3 Chairman’s Address.

4 Public Comments.

5 Approval of Minutes of the last meeting.

Minutes of the meeting of the 23rd. June 2022.

6 Matters Arising.

(a) Applications for Co-opted Councillors.

(b) Memorial Seat.

(c) Defibrillator Pads Renewed.

(d) Lengthsman Instructions.

(e) HGV Signs in Park Lane – Cheddleton Parish Council.

7 Other Business.

(a) The Council’s Website Contract.


8 Correspondence.

Already distributed to Councillors – Staffs Police Launches Local Policing with Communities.

Have your say on Local Policing from Staffordshire Commissioner.

9 Planning Matters.

SMD/2022/0187 Construction of Building for Storage adjacent to Garden Area at Thorn Tree Farm.

Leek Old Road, Longsdon.

10 Finance Matters.

(a) External Audit Exemption Certificate had been forwarded and receipt acknowledged.

(b) To Receive a Quarterly Statement of Account.

(c) Orders for Payment.

Recipient Amount Reason
J. Sargeant. £ 11.98  Paid to Ionos (Two Months Web Site Charges).
J. A. Gibson £ 150.00  Agency Work.
Information Commissioner £ 40.00  Data Protection Fee.
John Bourne. £ 458.07  Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (Nett).
  £ 57.00  Purchase of Defibrillator Pads.
H.M. Revenue & Customs. £ 26.60  P.A.Y.E.
The Wheel. £ 25.00  Room Hire.



11 Public Comments.

12 Items for Inclusion in the Agenda for the Next Meeting.

13 Date of Next Meeting.

John Bourne, Clerk to the Council. (01782) 502940.