Chairman: J. Sargeant, Vice Chairman: R. Lovell. Clerk to the Council: J. Bourne.

26th. November 2022.


You are hereby informed that a Meeting of the Council will be held in the Upstairs Room of The Wheel Public House on Thursday 1st. December 2022 at 7-00p.m.



1 Apologies for Absence.

2 Declarations of Interest.

3 Chairman’s Address.

4 Public Comments.

5 Approval of Minutes of the last meeting.

Minutes of the meeting of the 29th. September 2022.

6 Matters Arising.

(a) Memorial Seat.

(b) New Rails for Seat in Sutherland Road.

(c) Road Safety on A53 Leek Road.

(d) HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022.

(e) The Council’s Website Contract.


7 Other Business.

8 Correspondence.

Already distributed to Councillors:-

Invitation from Leek Town Mayor to Autumn Events.

Autumn Newsletter from Moorlands Climate Action.

Notice of Road Closure – Denford Road on 16th. January 2023.

Application for Premises Licence for Leek Show at Dunwood Fields.

Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine – September 2022

9 Planning Matters.

SMD/2022/0573 Variation of Condition3 in relation to SMD/2022/0166 at Stone Barn Farm, Sutherland Road, Longsdon.

Already distributed to Councillors – no comments received.

10 Finance Matters.

(a) P.A.Y.E. Fines – Further Report.

(b) Confirmation of Declaration to the Pensions Regulator.

(c) Setting up of an Interest Earning Bank Account.

(d) Orders for Payment.

Recipient Amount Reason
J. A. Gibson £ 180.00  Agency Work.
Talon Forestry £ 360.00  New Seat Rails (incl. V.A.T.).
John Bourne. £ 406.89  Clerk’s Salary & Expenses.
H. M. Revenue & Customs. £ 26.60  P.A.Y.E.
The Wheel. £ 25.00  Room Hire.
Ionos. £ 2.40  Web Site Charge collected by Direct Debit.



11 Public Comments.

12 Items for Inclusion in the Agenda for the Next Meeting.

13 Date of Next Meeting.

John Bourne, Clerk to the Council. (01782) 502940.