Chairman: J. Sargeant, Vice Chairman: R. Lovell. Clerk to the Council: J. Bourne.

21st January 2023


You are hereby informed that a Meeting of the Council will be held in the Upstairs Room of The Wheel Public House on Thursday 26th. January 2023 at 7-00p.m.




1 Apologies for Absence.

2 Declarations of Interest.

3 Chairman’s Address.

4 Public Comments.

5 Approval of Minutes of the last meeting.

Minutes of the meeting of the 1st. December 2022.

6 Matters Arising.

(a) Memorial Seat.

(b) The Council’s Website Update,

7 Other Business.

Verges and footpaths.

8 Correspondence.

Already distributed to Councillors:-

Notice of Road Closure – Honeysuckle Lane from 1st. February 2023.

News from C.P.R.E.

Questionnaire on the Amount you pay for Policing and Fire & Rescue.

Questionnaire from “Outside”, Consultation on Divisional Boundaries.

Info from “Walking in England”.

Advertisement for King Charles Coronation Mugs.

Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine – January 2023.


9 Planning Matters.


10 Finance Matters.

(a) Financial Update to 31st. December 2022.

(b) Estimates for this Year and the Year 2023 / 2024.

(c) Setting the Required Precept for the Year 2023 / 2024.

(d) Orders for Payment.

Recipient Amount Reason
J. A. Gibson £ 160.00  Agency Work.
John Bourne. £ 418.87  Clerk’s Salary & Expenses.
H. M. Revenue & Customs. £ 26.60  P.A.Y.E.
The Wheel. £ 25.00  Room Hire.
Ionos. £ 2.40  Web Site Charge collected by Direct Debit – 13 Dec. 22.



11 Public Comments.

12 Items for Inclusion in the Agenda for the Next Meeting.

13 Date of Next Meeting.

John Bourne, Clerk to the Council. (01782) 502940.