Income and Expenditure for the year ending 31st. March 2024.


Starting Year Item Description  Ending Year
2022/2023   INCOME  2023/2024
  £       £  
  5,000.00   Precept.    5,000.00  
  400.00   Staffordshire Moorlands DC Lengthsman Scheme.   400.00  
      District Councillor Grant.   150.00  
  42.81   V.A.T. Refund.    93.40  
  5,442.81       5,643.40  
    2,260.58   General Admin.    2,303.67  
   1,050.00   Agency Services.    1,170.00  
  70.00   Audit Fees.    35.00  
   240.00   S. 137 Payments. ( Flower tub planting )    145.00  
  175.00   Room Hire.   200.00  
  337.50   New Oak Rails & Plaque for Sutherland Road Seat   -  
    Materials for Poppies.   32.10  
  47.50   New Defibrillator Pads & Battery   340.83  
  -   Memorial Seat & Fixing.   1,461.20  
  93.40   V. A. T.   351.23  
  4,273.98       6,039.03  
2022/2023   GENERAL FUND.  2023/2024
  £        £  
  7,843.04   Current Account as at 1st. April 2023.   9,011.87  
  5,442.81   Total Income.   5,643.40  
  4,273.98   Less Total Expenditure.   6,039.03  
    £9,011.87   Balance as at 31st. March 2024  £8.616.24  
  Supported by:-          
  Current Account.  Balance as at 31st. March 2024.   £8,616.24  
  Payments made under Section 137.        
      Planting of Village Flower Tubs 145.00  
      Memorial Seat & Fixing. 1,461.20