Minutes of Meeting held in The Rez Country Café on Thursday 2nd. July 2009.


Present: Councillor R. Dawson (Chair)

Councillors T. Beastall, L. Bills, J. Deaville, J. F. Sargeant, C. E. Taylor & S. R. Weston.
District Councillor N. Hawkins.
One Member of the Public.

25/9. Apologies for Absence.

There were no apologies for absence.

26/9. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

27/9. Chairman’s Address.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Items to report would be covered later in the agenda.


28/9. Public Comments.

There was no business under this item.

29/9. Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 28th. May 2009 had been circulated. It was agreed that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.

30/9. Matters Arising.

Letter had been sent to British Waterways regarding the damage to the canal bridge in Denford Road but no reply had yet been received.

The matter of the removal of the Himalayan Balsam on the canal towpath had been passed to British Waterways and a site visit had been expected. It was suggested that a local work party could be arranged to assist with the removal.

A report was given on an arranged meeting with the owner of the pond area in School Lane and his solicitor which had taken place at The Rez on Monday 22nd. June 2009 when all the requested documentation was made available. This had been perused and the requested payment for the hire of The Rez had been paid directly to the owners.

Since then a further letter had been received from him stating that further copies of letters etc were required for inspection together with a request to see the Council’s minutes book etc. together with other items such as names and addresses of persons consulted by the Council.

It was agreed to reply, after the usual perusal of the letter, and to send copies of all the correspondence requested and inform him that the minutes which he had already viewed were the complete copy of the records of the Council’s meetings. Names and addresses of people not in the public domain would not be disclosed. This was on advice received from the Information Commissioner’s Officer who had also advised that it was now closing the case as the Council had completed its obligations.

The Chairman had visited two local nurseries to ask for a quotation to do the planting of the village tubs. One had declined to undertake the work but Proctors Nursery had been instructed to carry out the work on the tubs at £25 – 00 per tub. Meanwhile a letter had been received from Mrs. D. Kent who had offered to continue planting the tub adjacent to the Memorial Hall. This had been taken into account when instructing Proctors Nursery. The above actions were sanctioned. It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Mrs Kent accepting her offer.

The seat in Sutherland Road had been inspected by the Clerk and some Councillors and it was reported that the wooden seat and back rails had rotted causing the concrete supports to become loose. An enquiry had been made about replacement oak rails which would cost £90 – 00. It was agreed that the repairs be carried out.

Councillor Sargeant had attended the Annual Meeting of the Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly and his report on the meeting had been circulated to all Councillors. Official minutes had also been received.

It was reported that:

the Chairman had attended the A.G.M. of Staffs. Moorlands Neighbourhood Watch Association.
the Annual Return Form had been forwarded to the Audit Commission on 20th. June 2009.
card had been received from Dunwood Community First Responders thanking the Council for the grant.
letter had been sent to Staffs. County Council regarding missing “Children” sign and Village Signs.

31/9. Correspondence.

Letter had been received from the Beat The Cold organisation giving information on a scheme to offer free and discounted insulation measures to residents in parishes. It asked if the Chief Officer could attend a Council meeting to explain the scheme and then have it endorsed for Longsdon Parish. On the advice of the Clerk, who had previously been involved with the organisation, it was unanimously agreed to invite the Chief Officer to attend the next Council meeting.

Notice had been received of an application from a nearby property owner proposing for the Extinquishment of Public Footpath 24 in Dunwood Lane, Longsdon. It was agreed to send the Council’s objections to any closure to the Countryside and Rights of Way Panel of Staffs. County Council which would consider the issue before making of an Order for Closure. Councillors agreed to visit the footpath.

Information received under this item was:

invitation to Cheddleton Parish Council Civic Service. invitation for membership of Community Council of Staffs – no action. Newsletter – June 09 from Staffs. Parish Councils’ Association.

32/9. Planning Matters.

The following planning applications were considered and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines to:

09/00531/FUL Two Storey Rear Extension at 2 Dunwood House, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon ST9 9QW.


With regard to application 09/00532/FUL Change of Use of Grassed Area to Form Car Park at St. Chad’s Church, Leek Road, Longsdon ST9 9QF it was agreed to OBJECT to this application on the grounds that the existing grassed area creates a pleasing aesthetic appearance to the front of the church and a mass of car parked cars would endanger the scene. The materials specified for the construction are not suitable for the area which would be better left down to grass.

There is a car park at the rear of the church which is not very well used. This is because some drainage work is required. If this and other minor works were carried out on this car park it would alleviate the need to change the front aspect of the church. In any case it is only on occasional instances when more car parking is required.

Information had been received regarding the guidelines for the establishment of a touring caravan site in Devils Lane. It revealed that the Caravan & Camping Certificate for the site was for up to five caravans only. The general consensus was that there were always more than that number and this information would be passed to the Planning Authority.

33/9. Orders for Payment.

It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-

Recipient Amount Reason
The Rez (UK) Ltd. £17.50 Room Hire.
D. Ingman. £35.00 Internal Audit.
J. Bourne. £312.20 Clerk’s Salary & Expenses.
A. Bridgwood. £72.00 Agency Work.

34/9. Public Comments.

There as no business under this item.

35/9. Any Other Business.

There had been another vehicle accident in Leek Road and it was agreed to write to Staffs. County Council asking, again, for double white lines to be installed in the carriageway.

Lack of grass cutting in Leek Old Road was reported and this was to be reported to the Area Surveyor.

A patch of untidy land was reported in Sutherland Road near to Limes Avenue, this to be reported to the Council’s lengthsman.

Large weeds on the footpath adjacent to the old New Inn in Leek Road were reported to be blocking the footpath and also visibility for traffic leaving Denford Road – this to be reported to Clarence.

Large stables had been erected by tenants on land near Denford Road and it was agreed to contact the owner of the land regarding this.

36/9. Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 20th. August 2009 at The Rez Country Café in Sutherland Road, Longsdon at 7 - 30p.m.

The Chairman thanked Councillors for their attendance and duly closed the meeting.