Minutes of Meeting held in The Rez Country Café on Thursday 5th. August 2010.
Present: Councillor R. Dawson (Chair)
Councillors T. Beastall, L. Bills, J. Sargeant, S. R. Weston & C. E. Taylor.
District Councillor N. Hawkins.
Eight Members of the Public.
39/10. Apologies for Absence.
There were no apologies for absence declared.
40/10. Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
41/10. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
42/10. Public Comments.
There were no public comments or concerns at this point.
Mr. David Kemp, Commercial Director of Moorland & City Railway Ltd. then gave a short address to the meeting to outline his company’s plans for the return of trains to the disused railway line which runs through the parish. The first stage would be for one mineral train a day on weekdays to use the line, followed by plans to extend passengers from Cheddleton to Alton Towers and Leek. The final phase would see a shuttle passenger service to Stoke in three to five years time. Unofficial footpaths running along the line of the track would have to cease when trains were operational and the line would need to be fenced under current legislation. Questions on various aspects were then taken from all at the meeting. The Chairman thanked Mr. Kemp for his interesting information.
43/10. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 5th. August 2010 had been circulated. It was agreed that they be signed by the Chairman a true and correct record.
44/10. Matters Arising.
The Clerk again raised the issue of names of parishioners who reported problems being recorded in the
minutes. He had consulted with four sources which suggested that names should not be recorded. It was
agreed that the matter be on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting.
The Clerk reported that he had been in contact with the Beat the Cold organisation on numerous
occasions regarding any information leaflets which could be distributed. Although promises of these had
been forthcoming nothing had been received. It was agreed to leave the matter in abeyance.
The Annual Return had been received from the Audit Commission. It showed no comments and that no
actions were required.
The Clerk apologised that, due to personal circumstances, he had not yet proceeded with registering the
Council’s land holding with the Land Registry, or the attention to the renewal of perspex panel in the
notice board in Sutherland Road.
The complaints regarding flooding at a property in Limes Avenue, and a possible sewage overflow on the
A53 had been sent and a reply received stating that the matters would be investigated.
It was reported that:
nothing further had been received regarding the activities adjacent to Hawthorne Cottage, Leek Rd.
an e.mail hand been sent to the Kent family thanking them for looking after the village tub.
the other tubs had been planted by Proctor’s Nursery and its account received.
the new letterheads had arrived from the printers and the account received.
the grant to Dunwood First Responders had been sent and a note of thanks had been received.
letter regarding grass cutting in Leek Old Road had been sent but no reply received.
action was to be taken regarding the agricultural buildings on land at Micklea Lane / Denford Road.
45/10. Correspondence.
Information had been received about a new service called Parish Online which would enable the
Council to access Ordnance Survey maps and other data. This would cost £30 – 00 for the parish for
the first year with Staffs. Moorlands offering to pay half of these first year costs. It was agreed that more
information on the matter be obtained.
Letter had been received from the Cabinet Member for Highways of Staffs. County Council regarding
the workings of the Neighbourhood Highways Teams and news of adequate stocks of salt for next
winter. Included was a questionnaire / survey about major flooding problems – no action.
Information received under this item was:
notice of next meeting of Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly - Thursday 16th. September 2010.
notice of consultation on Emerging Staffs. & Stoke on Trent Joint Waste Core Strategy 2010 – 2026.
notice of Staffs. Parish Councils’ Association’s Annual General Meeting – 13th. November 2010.
Staffordshire LINK Bulletin – June 2010.
Rural Focus – 5th. July, 15th. July, 17th. July & 26th. July & 2nd. Aug 10 from Rural Services Community.
46/10. Planning Matters.
The following planning application was consideration and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to
normal planning guidelines to:
10/00528/FUL Repositioning of Pole Barn at Stone Bank Farm, Leek Road, Longsdon, Staffs. ST9 9QH.
47/10. Orders for Payment.
It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-
Recipient | Amount | Reason |
The Rez (UK) Ltd. | £20.00 | Room Hire. |
Proctor’s Nursery. | £130.00 | Planting of Village Tubs. |
Rowtype Printers Ltd. | £92.83 | Printing of Letterheads. |
A. Bridgwood. | £130.00 | Agency Work. |
D. Ingman. | £40.00 | Internal Audit Fee. |
48/10. Public Comments.
A member of the public raised the matter of possible spring water emerging from Sandy Lane at its
junction with Denford Road during frosty weather. As the water was not evident at the moment the
matter would be monitored, with a view to reporting the matter to Severn Trent Water later.
49/10. Any Other Business.
Mention was made of the street name plate signs in Leek Old Road which had been erected and then
removed. It was agreed to consult with Staffs. Moorlands District Council on the matter.
A report was given on possible arson attacks on vehicles at business premises in Leek Road and an
associated company in Cheddleton. Councillor Bills declared a personal interest in the matter as a
neighbour of one of the properties.
49/10. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 9th. September 2010 at The Rez Country
Café in Sutherland Road, Longsdon at 7 - 30p.m.