Minutes of Meeting held in The Rez Country Café on Thursday 9th. September 2010.
Present: Councillor R. Dawson (Chair)
Councillors T. Beastall, L. Bills, J. Sargeant, S. R. Weston & C. E. Taylor.
County Councillor G. Heath.
District Councillor N. Hawkins.
Four Members of the Public.
50/10. Apologies for Absence.
There were no apologies for absence declared.
51/10. Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
52/10. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
53/10. Public Comments.
There were no public comments or concerns at this point.
County Councillor Gill Heath addressed the meeting on the subject of the proposed closure of Footpath No. 24 Dunwood Lane which the Parish Council had sent in objections to. She explained that she was here to hear the reasons for the Parish Council’s objections and was attending as a mediator. She said that the path in question was an original “snow” which was on the top of an embankment. There could possibly be a replacement path sited on the opposite side of the road. Councillors expressed the opinion that their main concern was that persons closing a footpath and then applying for official permission could set precedents. Councillor Heath was thanked for her visit.
She also pointed out that the Staffs. County Council’s Highways Team was scheduled to visit the parish three times during each year. The next visit would on 28th. & 29th. October and it was agreed that items for attention should be discussed at the next meeting of the Council.
54/10. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 5th. August 2010 had been circulated. It was agreed that they be signed by the Chairman a true and correct record.
55/10. Matters Arising.
The Clerk asked that the issue of names of parishioners who reported problems being recorded in the
minutes be postponed until later in the meeting.
An account had been received from the Audit Commission for the Annual Return. This showed a
considerable reduction on last year’s account.
After discussions with the chairman on prices, a replacement polycarbonate panel for the notice board in
Sutherland Road had been ordered and was due for delivery on Monday next. An account for the panel
had been received.
District Councillor N. Hawkins intimated that there could possibly be a financial contribution for the project
from her Council’s community funds.
The Clerk explained the necessary action needed to register the Council’s land holdings with the Land
Registry. Having spoken with its office the likelihood of being able to register the two bus shelters was
minimal. It was agreed that these be left in abeyance but to register the common land in Leek Road in the
Council’s ownership.
A telephone call had been received from the owner of the property in Limes Avenue asking what progress
had been made on the flooding issue at the property. She was informed that the matter had been
forwarded to Staffs. Moorlands District Council’s Environmental Health office.
It was agreed to ask Proctor’s Nursery to re-plant the village tubs in readiness for the winter season.
The tub at the entrance to the village, at Dunwood, had been found to be in a dilapidated condition and
could not be moved as planned. It was agreed that this be re-planted in situ and a price be obtained for
a replacement tub to be sited in Sutherland Road in time for the spring planting season.
An on line demonstration of the new service called Parish Online had been arranged by Staffs.
Moorlands. The Clerk and Councillors Beastall and Sargeant had viewed this information and gave
Councillors a report. It was agreed, by a majority decision, that the Council joins the scheme.
It was reported that:
the required grass cutting in Leek Old Road had been carried out.
the street name plate signs in Leek Old Road had been fixed.
56/10. Correspondence.
Letter had been received from the Information Commissioner’s Officer regarding a complaint from a
parishioner under the Data Protection Act. The Clerk had telephoned the office to explain that this was
an ongoing saga which had first commenced in November 2008 under a different case number.
However, it still required further information from the Council. It was agreed that the facts of the case
be sent again to the Commission.
In the light of this matter, a discussion took place on the issue of recording names in the minutes of
parishioners reporting any problems. It was agreed by a majority decision that the names should not
be recorded.
A notice of a proposed diversion of Footpath No. 4 in Dunwood Lane had been received. It was
reported that the Ramblers Association had suggested a slight amendment to the new route It was
agreed that the Council would forward no objections to the proposal.
Information received under this item was:
notice of briefing at Stafford of Electoral Review of Staffs. 2010 - Wednesday 15th. September 2010.
notice of Electoral Register Annual Canvass - notices posted on notice boards.
on Staffs. Moorlands Area Parking Committee from Staffs. Moorlands District Council.
notice of consultation on changes to the Big Lottery Fund – ending on 15th. September 2010.
consultation on where waste sites and landfill sites should be situated.
No Need for Nuclear Campaign – no action.
Annual Report and notice of A.G.M. from Staffordshire Playing Fields Association.
Rural Focus – 6th. September 2010 from Rural Services Community.
Clerks & Councils Direct – September 10 issue.
57/10. Planning Matters.
The following planning applications were considered and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to
normal planning guidelines to:
10/00779/FUL Replacement Barn at Micklea Farm, Micklea Lane, Longsdon, Staffs. ST9 9QG.
10/00793/FUL Replacement of Former Summer House/Potting Shed with Stables for Domestic Use Only
at Intakes Farm, Sandy Lane, Longsdon, Staffs. ST9 9QQ.
58/10. Orders for Payment.
It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-
Recipient | Amount | Reason |
The Rez (UK) Ltd. | £20.00 | Room Hire. |
Smith of Derby. | £204.45 | Annual Maintenance Charge for St. Chad’s Church Clock. |
Audit Commission. | £58.75 | Annual Audit. |
Creative Signs Ltd. | £82.25 | New Panel for Notice Board. |
A. Bridgwood. | £72.00 | Agency Work. |
59/10. Public Comments.
There was no business under this item.
60/10. Any Other Business.
Mention was made of some irregular parking which was obstructing vision at the junction of Sandy
Lane and Micklea Lane. The Chairman offered to have a word with the owner of the vehicle.
A report was given of vehicles speeding in Sutherland Road in the evenings. It was agreed to monitor
the situation before reporting the matter to the Police.
It was reported that any number of Councillors could attend Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly but
only one vote was allowed. This was noted and it was agreed that one of the Council’s official
representatives would vote.
61/10. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 21st. October 2010 at The Rez Country
Café in Sutherland Road, Longsdon at 7 - 30p.m.