Minutes of Meeting held in The Rez Country Café on Thursday 29th. September 2011.

Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair) Councillors T. Beastall, L. Bills, R. Dawson, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.

District Councillor N. Hawkins.

One Member of the Public.

In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.

54/11. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor R.P.A. Lovell.

55/11. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

56/11. Chairman’s Address.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

He gave a report on the last meeting of the Staffs. Moorlands Area Parish Assembly and notes on this meeting were distributed to Councillors.

He reported on his investigations into the ownership of the property at Leek Road / Sutherland Road and had spoken with the previous owner. There had always been permission given for the notice board to be attached to the property. It was agreed to await further communication from the present owner and, in the meantime, explore the possibility of re-siting the notice board.

He had received a report of debris on land at Mollarts Wood but this appeared to be disused parts of tents etc. These had now been removed.

He also gave a report that the disused railway line through the parish had been cleared of vegetation to Endon. An application had been submitted by a resident of Endon to try to get a Village Green status on the line. It was suggested that the MCR company could possibly give a future presentation.

57/11. Public Comments.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

58/11. Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the 11th. August 2011 had been circulated and, after these were amended to show that Councillor Bills had forwarded apologies for absence to the meeting, they were signed as a true and correct record.

59/11. Matters Arising.

District Councillor Hawkins gave a report on a Community Conversation meeting which she had attended in her area about the Local Development Framework. She pointed out that Longsdon was included in the second round of meetings and representations on plans for housing, industry and playing fields etc should be made at a meeting arranged at Endon Methodist Church on Tuesday 15th. November 2011. The Clerk was asked to publicise this on the notice boards.

The two application forms for the registration of the bus shelters had been submitted to the Land Registry. A reply stated that both sites were already registered with other owners. Information had been obtained that the sites could be registered under adverse possession due to the length of time the bus shelters had been on the sites. However, there could be a charge of £150 –00 in each case to carry out this type of registration. After some discussion and in view of the costs involved, it was agreed that this item be left in abeyance.

It was noted that the two cheques for £40 – 00 each which had been sent with the applications had been returned and these would be cancelled.

A reply had been received from Longsdon Memorial Hall giving further information on the purchase of the new cooker for the refurbishment of the kitchen. Councillor Bills, the Council’s representative on the Hall’s Management Committee, also gave information on the matter. It was agreed, by a majority decision, to forward the requested grant of £500 – 00 with the stipulation that this should be used only towards the cost of the cooker, and an acknowledgement would be requested.

It was reported that the loose directional signs near to Stonelowe Farm had been attended to by the Highways Community Team and thanks had been received.

It was reported that:

a code number for the deduction of PAYE from the Clerk’s salary had been received.

the bracken growing over the public seat in Mickea Lane had been removed.

letter had been sent to Staffs. County Council regarding the advertising signs along the A53.

60/11. Correspondence.

A request had been received from County Councillor Gill Heath asking for any work for the Highways Community Team which would be visiting the parish on 3rd., 4th. and possibly 5th. October 2011. It was agreed that the following should be mentioned: grass verge outside the Memorial Hall, weeds outside St. Chad’s Church which are narrowing the pavement, pavement overgrown in Sutherland Road, trees overhanging the pavement, reducing headroom, near the common land and general tidying up as required.

A letter had been received from a representative of Churnet Valley Riders asking the Council for its support for the creation of bridleways for horse riders rather than them being forced onto roads. The comments were noted.

Information received under this item was:

official Notification of the Community Conversation meeting at Endon on Tuesday 15th. November 11.

the official Diversion Order for Footpath No 4. had been received and acknowledged.

offer of provision of legal services from Staffs. County Council.

Submission Draft of Staffs. C. C. & Stoke City Council Joint Waste Core Strategy 2010 – 2026

invitation to join Staffs. Playing Fields Association and Annual Report and Accounts – no action.

Clerks and Councils Direct – September issue.

61/11. Planning Matters.

Planning application 11/00658/FUL Repositioning of a Pole Barn at Stone Bank Farm, Leek Road, Longsdon had been duly received and no objections to the proposal had been forwarded in line with the Council’s comments on the original application, as was agreed at the last meeting.

Information had been received from the Planning Applications Manager that the consultation time for planning applications by Parish Councils had been reduced from 28 days to 21 days.

The Clerk gave Councillors a report received from the Planning Enforcement Department giving an update on the situation with the barns in Micklea Lane / Denford Road. Consideration was still being given to the matter in view of conflicting evidence which it had received. There also had to be consideration of the cost to public funds of any enforcement action. A written report had been promised but this was not to hand. It was agreed to contact the office again on the matter.

A guide – How to Respond to Planning Applications had been received from the Campaign to Protect Rural England and the National Association of Local Councils.

62/11. Administration Items.

An amended copy of the Standing Orders of the Council showing the amendments agreed at the last meeting was produced. It was agreed that these be accepted.

The Council’s Risk Assessment Policy had also been amended regarding the Clerk being under PAYE regulations and this was accepted.

The Councils list of assets was perused and information given on the location of various items mentioned on the list. It was also amended to show seven flower tubs rather than six.

63/11. Orders for Payment.

It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-

Recipient Amount Reason
The Rez (UK) Ltd. £20.00 Room Hire.
Getspatial LLP. £12.00 Parish on Line Fee.
Smith of Derby. £214.80 St. Chad’s Church Clock Maintenance.
A. Bridgwood. £210.38 Agency Work.
John Bourne. £352.23 Clerks Salary(including PAYE refund) & Expenses.
Longsdon Memorial Hall. £500.00 Grant.

64/11. Public Comments.

There was no business under this item.

65/11. Any Other Business.

It was noted that Staffs. County Council had arranged Salt Provision for Community Action. Supplies of salt or brine could be collected from its depot at Ladderedge, by appointment, on Saturday 5th. November 2011 from 8-00a.m. until 12noon. Details of where the salt etc would be used would need to be given.

It was reported that there could be a need for the registration of septic tanks in the near future.

Information on this could be found on the Environmental Agency’s website.

A report was given on the caravan site in Devils Lane. This was not exceeding the limit on the number of caravans allowed on the site.

Mention was made of the need for either dog waste bins or litter bins in parts of the parish. The current sites to be noted and the matter discussed again.


66/11. Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 10th. November 2011 at The Rez Country Café in Sutherland Road, Longsdon at 7 - 30p.m.