Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Thursday 10th. October 2013.

Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).

Councillors T. Beastall, L.Bills, R. P. A. Lovell, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.

Three members of the public.

In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.

40/13. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies for absence were received from District Councillor N. Hawkins.

41/13. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

42/13. Chairman’s Address.

The Chairman thanked the Clerk for organising the new meeting place and Councillor Bills for being the key holder for the new venue.

He also reported on the last meeting of Staffs. Moorlands Parish Assembly.

He mentioned plans for a wind turbine at Lask Edge which may affect Longsdon Parish. However it was felt that this should be left to other local Parish Councils.

He had also organised the usual wreath for the Remembrance Sunday Service at a cost of £20 – 00. This was approved.

43/13. Public Comments.

One member of the public raised the issue of continuing functions being held at Dunwood Hall despite planning permission recently being refused. A record of the continuing events was being kept. As the matter had already been reported to Staffs. Moorlands District Council Planning Enforcement Dept. it was felt that nothing more could be done but the situation would be monitored.

He also mentioned the speed of traffic between Longsdon & Endon on the A53 but was informed that a survey of traffic had already been carried out.

He also asked about the railway lines through the parish but it appeared that nothing was happening at present.

Another member of the public raised the issue of a problem with traffic bollards near to Lyme House Farm.

It appeared that these had been wrongly placed and had then been chopped off near to the ground and were now causing a danger to pedestrians.

He also mentioned a small collapsing retaining wall adjacent to the highway in the same location.

It was agreed to write to Staffs. County Council Highways Dept., with a copy to County Councillor Heath, to report the problem.

44/13. Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th. August 2013 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.

45/13. Matters Arising.

A further discussion took place on the continuing vacancy for a Parish Councillor. It was agreed that as there were no further developments nothing further could be done.

A letter of thanks for the use of the meeting room had been sent to the owners of the Rez Country Café.

The Clerk had approached the Parochial Church Council on the availability of St. Chad’s Church room. It had agreed to let the Parish Council use the room for its meetings. Councillors had been contacted and all agreed that this was a suitable venue. Meetings would now be held at this venue.

The damaged road surface of School Lane at its junction with Dunwood Lane and the grass growth obstruction at Denford Road / Leek Road junction had been reported to Staffs. County Council.

It was reported that:

the list of work for the Highways Team visit had been sent in and the work had been done.

“Unsuitable for Heavy Goods Vehicles” signs had been erected in Honeysuckle Lane.

46/13. Correspondence.

An offer had been received from Smiths of Derby for an extended Service Agreement for the maintenance of St. Chad’s Church Clock for a period of 3, 4, 5 or 6 years. It was agreed not to take up this offer.

Information received under this item was:

from the Public Service Mapping Agreement – Ordnance Survey.

Potential Grants for Community Grasslands from Churnet Valley Living Landscape Partnership.

invitation to comment on Draft Churnet Valley Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document.

invitation to join, and Annual Report, from Staffs. Playing Field Association – no action.

Welcome Back to Local Banking from T.S.B.

Clerks & Councils Direct – Sept. 2013 issue.

47/13. Planning Matters.

The following planning applications had been circulated to Councillors, due to the time factor, and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines to:

13/00797/REM Variation of Condition 7 on Planning Permission 11/00426/FUL at Barncroft, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon, Staffs. ST9 9QW.

13/00841/FUL Amended Scheme for the Erection of a Two Storey Extension, incorporating a Single Storey Orangery at Netherlands, Denford Road, Longsdon, ST9 9QG.

The following planning applications were considered and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines to:

*13/00886/FUL Change of Use to Car Hire Business (Retrospective) at The Outlook, Devils Lane, Longsdon, Staffs. ST9 9QP.

**13/00733/FUL Proposed Rear Extension to Form Sitting/Dining Room with Integral Utility Room, Alterations to Existing Front Roof at Denmead, Denford Road, Longsdon, Staffs. ST9 9QG

*Councillors Sargeant & Taylor declared an interest in this application and took no part in the decision.

**Councillor Taylor declared an interest in this application and took no part in the decision.

A copy of a letter from a parishioner which had been sent to Staffs. Moorland District Council regarding a request for enforcement action against an alleged infringement of planning permission at the Brampton, Sutherland Road, Longsdon had been received. This matter had previously been reported by the Parish Council and it was agreed to raise the matter again with the Moorlands Council in support of the letter.

The Clerk gave Councillors a brief report on a General Planning Training Session at Staffs. Moorlands District Council which he had attended earlier in the evening. This gave details of changes to planning law, lobbying, more computerised documents etc etc.

48/13. Finance Matters.

The Annual Return had been received from the appointed auditors. Apart from a sum of £30 – 00 having to be moved from one category to another, there were no adverse comments. It appeared that there would be no charge for the audit.

V.A.T. refund from last year, in the sum of £259 - 99 had been received.

49/13. Orders for Payment.

It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-

Recipient Amount Reason
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. £25.00 Room Hire.
A. Bridgwood. £153.00 Agency Work.
Getmapping plc. £12.00 Parish on Line Fee.
John Bourne. £287.18 Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (Nett.)
H.M. Revenue & Customs. £55.00 P. A. Y. E.

50/13. Public Comments.

There was no business under this item.

51/13. Any Other Business.

It was reported that the post box at the junction of Leek Road and Sutherland Road had been removed. It was agreed to report this to Royal Mail.

A short discussion took place on the provision of a defibrillator for the parish. This to be discussed at the next meeting.

Questions were asked about the future of the Longsdon Rose Queen in the village. This to be discussed at the next meeting.

52/13. Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7-30p.m. on Thursday 5th. December 2013 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.