Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Thursday 20th. August 2015.

Before the start of the meeting, forty members of the public arrived at the Church Room after being invited to attend by a leaflet which had been distributed to households. Chairman Sargeant welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that the purpose of the meeting was to give them information on Staffs. Moorlands District Council proposed plans for housing developments in Longsdon 2011 / 2031.

Questions were answered by the Chairman and District Councillor Hawkins. Everyone was invited to send in their comments / objections directly to Staffs. Moorlands District Council.

The draft of the Council’s response, which would be discussed in the Parish Council meeting later, was read out and was generally agreeable.

The Scheduled Parish Council Meeting then Followed.

Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).

Councillors T. Beastall, R. P. A. Lovell, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.

District Councillor N. Hawkins.

Three Members of the Public.

In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.


27/15. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor L. Bills.

28/15. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

29/15. Chairman’s Address.

The Chairman thanked the Clerk for preparing the meeting room. He reported that he had delivered approx 160 leaflets about the planning issue around the village. Comment was made on the good attendance for the public meeting and thanks were expressed to the Chairman for the delivery of the leaflet.

30/15. Co-option of New Councillor.

As the name of a parishioner had been suggested as a possible member of the Council, the Clerk had consulted with the Electoral Office of Staffs. Moorlands District Council and had been informed that Councillors could co-opt a Councillor immediately. Mrs. Daral Sargeant, who was present at the meeting, was proposed and seconded as a Parish Councillor and was co-opted onto the Council. She duly signed the Declaration of Office and she was welcomed as a member of the Council.

31/15. Public Comments.

District Councillor Norma Hawkins commented on an article in the Leek Post & Times which reported that the number of houses required in the Staffs. Moorlands area was to be reduced from 6,000. She pointed out that this was not yet official as meetings were still taking place with the government.

She thanked the Council for organising the public meeting.

The letter setting out the Parish Council’s objections to the planning proposals for Longsdon was discussed and it was agreed that it be sent in.

32/15. Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 30th. June 2015 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.


33/15. Matters Arising.

A reply had been received from the Planning Enforcement Department of Staffs. Moorlands District Council regarding the issue with the property in Sutherland Road. It pointed out that after consultations with the owner there was no further evidence to support further action on the case. Councillors felt that this was a very unsatisfactory answer and agreed that a further letter be sent to the Department giving details of lettings etc. which had been advertised by estate agents and asking for the case to be re-examined.

County Councillor G. Heath had informed the Council of a further visit by the Highways Team in October and Councillors were asked to inform the Clerk of any work which needed to be undertaken.

After consultations with CVLLP, the expiry date for the grant for the new seat on the canal towpath was found to be 24th. September 2015. However no invoice had yet been received from Canals & Rivers Trust for the work installing the new seat. It was agreed to chase up the organisation for the invoice so that the grant could be applied for.

It was reported that:

the quarterly invoice for the lengthsman scheme had been sent to Staffs. C. C. and payment received.

the replanting of the village tubs had been completed.

all the items under Any Other Business had been reported to the various Authorities.

34/15. Correspondence.

A letter had been received from Staffs. Moorlands District Council stating that the Parish Council needed to make a contribution of £50 – 00 towards the administration costs of the uncontested parish election. It was agreed that this be paid.

35/15. Planning Matters.

The following plans were discussed and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines, to:-

SMD/2015/0498 Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Conversion of Garage Space to Form Additional Living Accommodation at The Coach House, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon.

SMD/2015/0509 Erection of Two Storey Side Extension at Limerick Farm. Devils Lane, Longsdon.

36/15. Finance Matters.

The Annual Return had been sent to the external auditor by recorded delivery.

An up to date statement of the Council’s accounts was distributed to Councillors.


37/15. Orders for Payment.

It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-

Recipient Amount Reason
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. £25.00 Room Hire.
A. Bridgwood. £208.25 Agency Work.
Staffs. Moorlands D. C. £50.00 Election Charges.

38/15. Public Comment.

There was no business under this item.

39/15. Any Other Business.

It was reported that the deep pothole in Denford Road and the sunken kerb at Nether Stanlow Farm had still not been attended to. It was agreed to report the matters again.

A reported water leak in Leek Old Road would be reported to Severn Trent and a problem with the road verge in Honeysuckle Lane would be reported to County Councillor G. Heath.

Councillor Taylor volunteered to attend the next meeting of Longsdon Memorial Hall Committee after Councillor Lovell would have to give his apologies for absence at that meeting.

40/14. Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7 - 30p.m. on Thursday 15th. October 2015 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.