Minutes of Meeting held in St. Chad’s Church Room on Thursday 4th. February 2016.

Present: Councillor J. Sargeant (Chair).

Councillors T. Beastall, L. Bills, R. P. A. Lovell, C. Taylor & S. R. Weston.

In Attendance: John Bourne, Clerk to the Council.

67/15. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Sargeant & District Councillor N. Hawkins.

68/15. Declarations of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

69/15. Chairman’s Address.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Bills for opening the meeting room.

He also thanked Councillors Beastall, Lovell, Taylor and the Clerk for representing the Council at the Planning meeting at Staffs. Moorlands District Council on 15th. December 2016.

70/15. Public Comments.

There was no business under this item.

71/15. Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 10th. December 2015 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.

72/15. Matters Arising.

The problem with the blocked gullies in Sutherland Road which was causing water to cascade into the entrance of Wood Road, a private road, and washing away the surface of the road had returned and had, again, been reported to Staffs. County Council.

The Clerk had had a visit from a P.C.S.O. regarding the speed of vehicles on the A53. The officer stated that the matter was being investigated.

It was again reported that the damaged bus shelter opposite the old New Inn had still not been repaired by Staffs. Moorland District Council’s contractors. As the shelter was now becoming virtually unusable a further letter would be sent pointing out the further extensive damage and the Health & Safety issues.

A report on the meeting with Staffs. Moorlands District Council Planning Officers on 15th. December 2015 regarding the preferred Site Options under the Core Strategy Scheme was given. A copy of this had already been forwarded to Councillors earlier. It was stressed that the information should not be disclosed to the public.

Letter had been sent to the St. Chad’s Parochial Church Council about the recent problem with the sound system in the church. A reply stated that this had now been resolved.

It was reported that:

the lighting globes on the pedestrian crossing on the A53 had been changed.

the loose brown direction signs opposite the old New Inn had been attended to.

73/15. Correspondence.

Information received under this item:

Workplace Pensions – Clerk had registered as the Council’s initial contact.

Changes to liability limit on Business bank accounts from T.S.B. plc.

Clerks & Councils Direct – January 16 issue.

74/15. Planning Matters.

The following plan had been distributed to Councillors, due to the time scale, and they had agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines, to:-

SMD/2015/0802 Proposed Single Storey Side Extension and Alterations to Existing Access at Lyndhurst, Sutherland Road, Longsdon.

The following plans had been also been distributed to Councillors, due to the time scale, and it was agreed to OBJECT on the grounds stated.

SMD/2015/0770 Outline Planning Permission, with all matters reserved, for Erection of Dwellings on Land opposite the New Inn, Leek Road, Longsdon.

Inappropriate development in the Green Belt.

The site cannot be classed as an infill site.

Loss of high quality agricultural land.

Overdevelopment of this area causing damage to the environment.

Access to the site would be at an accident black spot.

SMD/2015/0816 Single Storey Side Extension (re-submission) at Upper Dales, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon.

Excessive development in the Green Belt. The dwelling has already had large extensions which must exceed the permitted increase in the size of a building.

The following plan was discussed and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines, to:-

SMD/2016/014 Proposed Dormer Window to Front Elevation at Rosebank Cottage, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon.

It was reported that the appeal by Proctor’s Nursery against the refusal of planning permission for the siting of a mobile home – temporary dwelling at the Nursery in Leek Road, Endon was being held at Moorlands House, Leek at 10-00am on 16th. February 2016.

75/15. Finance Matters.

The funds in the Council’s maturing One Year Fixed Term Bond with Leek United Building Society had been re-invested in a new Two Year Fixed Rate Bond with the Society.

The quarterly invoice for the lengthsman scheme had been submitted to Staffs. County Council.

An update, to 31st. December 2015, of the Council Accounts was issued to Councillors.

Estimates / Precept for the year 2016 / 2017.

The Clerk produced (1) Actual figures for the year 2014/15. (2) Estimates of Income, Expenditure & End of Year Balance for the year 2015/16 and (3) Estimated Income & Expenditure for the year 2016/17.

Figures received from Staffs. Moorlands District Council showed that the grant for the parish from Central Government had been reduced from £48 – 76 to £40 – 98.

After studying the figures, it was agreed, by a majority decision, that the Band D charge should remain the same as last year - £14 – 39. The Precept was adjusted accordingly to £3,928 – 47.

New proposals had been received for the appointment of the Council’s External Auditor. They would be appointed by a panel but the Council could opt out of this arrangement and go through the process of appointing its own external auditor. It was agreed not to opt out of the new arrangements.

76/15. Orders for Payment.

Cheque for A. Bridgwood for £110 – 50 had been paid on receipt of the invoice after the last meeting.

It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-

Recipient Amount Reason
The P.C.C. of St. Chad’s Church. £25.00  Room Hire.
A. Bridgwood. £153.00  Agency Work.
Proctor’s Nursery. £254.80  Planting of Village Flower Tubs etc.
John Bourne. £296.64  Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (nett).
H.M. Revenue & Customs. £60.00  P.A.Y.E.

77/15. Public Comment.

There was no business under this item.

78/15. Any Other Business.

A complaint had been received about a car which had left Denford Road and was lying in an adjacent field. It was agreed to write to the owner of the field, after a short period of time, if the vehicle had not been removed.

A report was given of a blocked storm gully or run-off causing ponding at the junction of Honeysuckle Lane and Dunwood Lane. This matter to be reported to Staffs. County Council.

A report was also given of tree blown over in high winds which was lying in the grass verge in Leek Road.

This matter to be left in abeyance for a short period.

79/14. Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Council will be held at 7 - 00p.m. on Thursday 31st. March 2016 at St. Chad’s Church Room, Leek Road, Longsdon.