Minutes of Meeting held in the upstairs room of The Wheel on Thursday 13th December 2018.
Meeting Details
Councillors T. Beastall, B. Bromley, D. Sargeant, K. Shaw & S. R. Weston
54/18. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor R. Lovell & District Councillor N. Hawkins.
55/18. Declarations of Interest.
Councillors D Sargeant & J. Sargeant declared an interest in a planning application which would be discussed later in the meeting.
56/18. Chairman’s Address.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
He thanked Councillor Bromley for laying the wreath at the Remembrance Sunday Service.
57/18. Public Comments.
There was no business under this item.
58/18. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 18th. October 2018 had been circulated and it was agreed that they be signed as a true and correct record.
59/18. Matters Arising.
It was reported that the work to renew the support post to the “Longsdon” village sign had now been completed and an account for the work received
Letter had been sent to Staffs. Moorlands Enforcement Officer to establish whether the original planning permission details for the old New Inn site had expired and also about the change of adjacent land in Denford Road. The reply stated that the original planning conditions were still in force and the change of use of the land was permitted in connection with the development.
An email had been received from the Moorlands Council regarding the missing dog waste bin near Horse Bridge. This stated that the area would not meet the necessary criteria for a bin due to the low volume of litter present.
A possible candidate for the post of the Council’s lengthsman was still being sought.
A further email had been received from Leek Town Council giving notice of a Special Meeting on 16th January 2019 to keep Parish Councils and the public up to date on the progress made by the Town Council regarding the closure of wards and re-locating of service at Leek Moorlands Hospital.
More information had been obtained on new bus shelters. It was agreed that the Halton Anti-vandal bus shelter would be a suitable choice. Information had been obtained from the County Council that the siting of the shelter on the pavement outside the Memorial Hall would involve a costly operation with permits and approved contractors etc. etc. It had been suggested that the shelter legs could be sited within the boundary of the Memorial Hall and still overhang the pavement. Memorial Hall representatives had raised no objections to this suggestion but formal permission would be required from the next Management Committee meeting.
60/18. Correspondence.
A notice of consultation on the Future of Local Health Services in North Staffs had been received. It was agreed that this be forwarded by email to all Councillors.
Information received included:
- invite to Drop-in Session for Staffs. Parish Councils’ Association – no action.
- information on Increased Pension Contributions from the Pensions Regulator – not applicable.
- information from Moorlands Radio.
- Clerks & Councils Direct – November 18 issue.
61/18. Planning Matters.
The following planning application had been distributed to Councillors, due to the time frame, and it had been agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines, to:
- SMD/2018/0656 Two Storey & Single Storey Extension to Rear, Alterations to Front Entrance, Formation of a Porch to Front at White Chimneys, Devils Lane, Longsdon.
The following planning applications were considered and it was agreed to forward no objections, subject to normal planning guidelines, to:
- SMD/2018/0687 Replacement of Conservatory with Orangery & Link Section to Garage at Churnet Croft Cottage, Wood Road, Longsdon.
- SMD/2018/0754 Demolition of an Existing Part Single Storey, Part Two Storey, Side / Rear Extension & Construction of a Single Storey Side / Rear Extension at 2 Dunwood House, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon.
- *SMD/2018/0698 Approval of Reserved Matters relating to SMD/2016/0822 on Land Adjacent to Whitehaven, Leek Road, Longsdon was also considered and it was agreed to forward no objections in principle, but to express concerns about the amount of traffic which could be generated by the proposed very large dwellings. The proposal is for one access driveway which could serve four very large properties. The amount of vehicles using this access could cause major problems when accessing or emerging from the site onto the main A53 Leek Road on a blind bend.
*Councillors D Sargeant and J. Sargeant declared a prejudicial interest in this application and took no part in the discussion.
62/18. Finance Matters.
Notice was given that the Council’s Fixed Term Bond with Leek United Building Society would be maturing in January 2019. This to be discussed at the next meeting.
It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk’s salary be increased by £100 – 00 per annum from the next financial year.
63/18. Orders for Payment.
It was unanimously agreed that the following items be paid:-
- The Wheel. £ 25 – 00. Room Hire.
- Proctor’s Nursery. £ 269 – 36. Planting of Village Tubs.
- The Chairman. £ 31 – 98. Two Months Internet Charge & Remembrance Wreath (already paid).
An account had been received from Lymewood for the new post for the “Longsdon” sign but this was not in keeping with the original quotation. Enquiries would be made and it was agreed that the account be paid after agreement on the subsequent amount between the Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Clerk.
64/18. Public Comment.
There was no business under this item.
65/18. Any Other Business.
A report was given of the setting up of a sanctuary for old animals near to Leek Old Road.
66/18. Date of Next Meeting.
The date of the next meeting of the Council was arranged for Thursday 31st January 2019 at 7 – 00p.m. in the upstairs room of The Wheel public house, Leek Road, Longsdon.