Chairman: J. Sargeant, Vice Chairman: R. Lovell. Clerk to the Council: J. Bourne.


4th. November 2023.


You are hereby informed that a Meeting of the Council will be held in the Upstairs Room of The Wheel Public House on Thursday 9st November 2023 at 7-00p.m.




1 Apologies for Absence.

2 Declarations of Interest.

3 Chairman’s Address.

4 Public Comments.

5 Approval of Minutes of the last meeting.

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of the 21st. September 2023.

6 Matters Arising.

(a) Memorial Seat.

(b) White Lines & Speed Signs on the Main A53 Leek Road.

(c) Lengthsman’s Instructions.

(d) Tree Preservation Order.

7 Other Business.

Reporting Highway Issues to Staffs. County Council.

8 Correspondence.

Already distributed to Councillors.

Polling Places Review from Staffs. Moorlands District Council.

Business Premises Survey from Staffs. Moorlands District Council.


9 Planning Matters.

SMD/2023/0520 Outline Consent for Erection of Single Dwelling with Means of Access Considered & All Other Matters Reserved at The Firs, Sutherland Road, Longsdon.


10 Finance Matters.

(a) Finance Account Update.

(b) Orders for Payment.

J. A. Gibson  £ 160.00  Agency Work.
John Bourne £ 360.99  Clerk’s Salary & Expenses (Nett)
H.M. Revenue & Customs £   66.00  P. A. Y. E.
The Wheel £   25.00  Room Hire.
Ionos £     6.00  Monthly Charge Paid by Direct Debit £6.00  11th. Oct 23.



11 Public Comments.

12 Items for Inclusion in the Agenda for the Next Meeting.

13 Date of Next Meeting.

The date of the next meeting has been provisionally arranged for Thursday 14th. December 2023.


John Bourne, Clerk to the Council. (01782) 502940.