Chairman: J. Sargeant, Vice Chairman: R. Lovell. Clerk to the Council: J. Bourne.

6th March 2021.

You are hereby informed that the Parish Council has arranged a meeting to be held remotely via Zoom on Thursday 11th. March 2021 at 7-00p.m.



      1. Apologies for Absence.

      2. Declarations of Interest.

      3. Chairman’s Address.

      4. Public Comments.

      5. Approval of Minutes of the last meeting.

        • Minutes of the virtual meeting of the 14th January 2021.
      6. Matters Arising.

        1. Demolished Bus Shelter – Update
        2. Planting of Tubs - Report.
        3. Tree in Sutherland Road – Report.
        4. Staffs. County Council Highway Complaints – Update.
        5. Arrangements for Future Remembrance Sundays etc.
      7. Other Business.

        1. St. Chad’s Church Clock – Report.
        2. Grants to Village Organisations.
        3. Complaint of Broken Drain from Resident.
      8. Correspondence

        1. Staffs. Police Survey – Your Police. Your Voice.                                 ) Already Distributed
          Staffs. Moorlands District Council Car Parking Strategy Consultation. ) to Councillors.
          Sutherland Road Closure Notice – Published.

      9. Planning Matters.

        1. For Report.

        2. The following plans had been distributed to Councillors for comments:

        3. SMD/2021/0036 Certificate of Lawfulness for the Existing Carport to Side Elevation, Glazed Porch to
          1. Rear Elevation & New Timber Balcony to Bedroom at Rosebank Cottage, Dunwood Lane. Longsdon.

        4. SMD/ 2021/0037 Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Garden Office which was constructed over
          1. 4 years ago at Rosebank Cottage, Dunwood Lane, Longsdon.

        5. SMD/2021/0018 Variation of Condition 2 relating to SMD/2018/0788 on Land adjacent to Prospect
          1. House Farm, Sutherland Road, Longsdon.

        6. SMD/2021/0092 Vary Condition 2 relating to SMD/2014/0748 on Land at Wyn Dene, Leek Road,
          1. Longsdon. 

        7. A Notice of Appeal had also been received – Written Reps – App Ref SMD/2020/0211 but the Parish Council previously had had no objections in principle but mention had been made of the visual impact. These comments are automatically sent to the Inspector.

        8. For Determination.

        9. SMD/2021/0087 Proposed Single Storey Side & Rear Extension at Waterside, Denford Road, Longsdon.

      10. Finance Matters.

        1. For Report.
          1. Bank Mandate Report.
          2. Request for Precept of £5,000.00 for the Year 2021 / 2022 accepted by Staffs. Moorlands D. C.
          3. Half Yearly Lengthsman Scheme Invoice submitted to Staffs. Moorlands District Council.
          4. Orders for Payment.

            John Sargeant (Chairman)  £   11.98   Paid to Ionos for Website – Two Monthly Charges.
               £   28.78   Paid to Zoom – Two Monthly Charges.
            J. A. Gibson  £ 160.00 Agency Work.
               £ 117.80 Empty Flower Tubs, Drill Bases, Fill with New Compost & Fill with Plants & Bulbs.
      11. Public Comments.

      12. Items for Inclusion in the Agenda for the Next Meeting.

      13. Date of Next Meeting.


The details to access this zoom meeting :-

Meeting ID. 984 6454 8045

Pass Code. 947615